Managing International Political Risk: Arising Challenges for Multinationals in a Changing World

24 - 25 May 2018


Prof. Dr. Harald J. Bolsinger – Dean of Faculty

The Faculty for Economics and Business Administration is proud to invite you to the Würzburg International Business Forum’s 1st International Business Conference (WIBF-IBC) at FHWS University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. The conference will be held in Würzburg, Germany, between May 24- 25, 2018. This special academic networking event is designed to bring together current research from the fields of international business, multinational corporations, foreign direct investment, and small and medium-sized multinationals with a particular focus on international political risk management. The conference is carried by some our facultys´most important values: It is international, applied, implies up-to-date and high quality and is done with high dedication of a professional regardful team. The scientific objective is to analyze patterns and forces influencing political risk management in today’s fast-changing world affairs with regard to multinational corporations’ foreign operations. The conference offers an excellent opportunity to meet thought leaders and professionals from around the world to exchange state-of-the-art scientific information and ideas on a variety of international business topics.

Prof. Dr. Harald J. Bolsinger – Former Dean of Faculty

International Business Conference 2018 - Mood Video